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Helium Recovery System

Helium costs are increasing, and its supply is suffering significant restrictions, so its recovery is becoming more interesting. The Telstar Helium Recovery System consists of a Helium compressor plus a flexible or rigid volume, depending on the application, of low-pressure storage and high-pressure storage. The system is complemented with an online Helium concentration meter, which allows measuring the purity of the gas and automatically replenishing new gas that allows the improvement of the concentration in case of a decrease in the required quality.

Additionally, our system can include a dryer that removes any moisture that the gas may accumulate. Telstar Helium Recovery Systems are very efficient (greater than 95% recovery rate). If your Helium consumption does not justify the purchase of a recuperator, we offer an intermediate solution: the ‘Helium Economizer’. Our Helium economizer adapts to your installation and allows you to recover up to 65-70% of the Helium in your system without the need for a Helium compressor.

A basic unit, assembled on a frame, includes:

  • A Vacuum Pumping System.
  • One flexible gas bag with level sensor or a rigid vessel under vacuum connected to the leak test station.
  • A Helium Purity Monitoring System.
  • A high-pressure compressor.
  • High pressure vessels for resupplying the recovered Helium.
  • An electrical control cabinet, with all the required automatism for control.

Options & Accessories

  • High pressure mixer equipment.
  • Double gas dryer filter.
  • PLC remote connection.

Control System

  • State of the art PLC.
  • Visual and audio signs, alarms, emergency buttons and automatic data storage.
  • Manual control and modification of the process parameters.

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